Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 689

Chapter 689


I know. Its okay.

The receptionist gave her a small smile and gently handed her the kitten, Then she turned to Tyrone. Mr. Blakely, please wait here for a moment. Ill go and bring you the medicine for Bun.


Sabrina sat on the sofa, cradling Bun.

It had been a month since she had seen the kitten. She couldnt believe how much Bun had grown.

It seemed that Bun had been well taken care of.

As she examined the kitten, she noticed a shaved patch on its leg and a red, furless spot where the ringworm had been.

Bun stretched out lazily with its little paws resting on her arm. The kitten Looked up at Sabrina and let out a soft meow as if to say, Where have you been all these days?

Sabrinas heart melted at the sound of the kittens voice, and she stroked her back, replying with a gentle Meow.

Meow! Bun Looked at her.

Meow! Sabrina continued, feeling a connection with the furry Little creature.

It was as if they were communicating, and for a moment, everything else faded away.

Tyrone couldnt help but smile as he watched them.

The kitten tried to rub its head against Sabrina, despite the E-collar.

It was clear that Bun was familiar with Sabrina and wanted to show affection. But the collar made it impossible. Undeterred, Bun tried to remove the collar by pawing at it.

Buns bite was gentle and tickled, making Sabrina smile.

The receptionist returned shortly after with the medicine and explained how to use it to Tyrone. Sabrina Listened as she played with Bun.

Okay, I see. With the medicine boxes in hand, Tyrone turned to Sabrina. We can go now.

Sabrina stood up, carefully placing Bun into the pet carrier backpack, and left the pet hospital.

As they approached the car, Sabrina noticed that Tyrone was about to open the door and get in. Give me the medicine. Ill take a taxi back, she said, holding her hand out.

Tyrone hesitated with his hand on the drivers side door handle. I1L take you home.

